About this home page

Geez, how pretentious can one get? Like a personal home page needs an "about page." Sheesh!

But looking at the mess that i call a home page, i feel like i owe you, my dear audience, an explanation.

Basically, i just wanted to tell you that if you're confused, it's probably because you don't realize that my home page is in reverse chronological order. And that i just randomly throw stuff up there next to the [New!] GIF whenever i feel like it.

i've put together a table of contents that i hope to be adding to more and more. But then again, it's threatening to get out of control as well. i dunno...maybe someday i'll think of a way of structuring my web pages to my liking. But until then, it's just me and this text and these links, and a few pictures, and you.

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