Tomatoes...they're not just for breakfast anymore!

They make great gifts, too! (8/15/96)

So a few of the folks in the NCD System Admin Group--Chris and Chanda, with the help of Alex and Tim, decorated my cube for my birthday, albeit a day late. "Well sure," you say, but, "Why tomatoes?"

Anyways, i dropped by my house before we went to lunch, and picked up my Color QuickCam. i'm still trying to figure out how you're supposed to focus the thing when you can't really make out what's on the screen. Oh well. At any rate, here's a survey of the damage, Heather:

Here's a long shot of my cube. Notice the green streamers coming down from the ceiling. Well, that's what _i_ noticed first when i walked into the office and looked out over the cubes.

My name plate, with a crepe paper tomato (originally it was a crepe paper bell pepper--don't ask my why) obscuring my last name. i typed up and posted an explanation of the whole debacle after the third person asked me what was up.

Here's a shot looking straight into the cube.

Looking to the right of my cube.

A closer look at my X-Terminal.

A closer look at what was hanging form the green streamer in the center. Cool! It's a tomato tree!

Wait, there's even more pictures!?

Other Cubes of Doom.
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