So, what's the deal with tomatoes?

One of the first times I went to lunch with the Sys Admin group, I noticed both Chris and Chanda discarding their tomatoes on the side of their plates. Since I hate to see food go to waste, and since I don't mind tomatoes, I volunteered to eat them.

I continued to do so whenever we would go to lunch, so they dubbed me "Tomato Boy".

Then, on one occasion, at Burger King, they ordered their sandwiches "their way," i.e. without tomatoes. And on this one occasion, my sandwich was lacking something, namely tomatoes. And this one time they (Chris and Chanda, with their tomatoes) weren't there for me.

And that's the deal with tomatoes. Aren't you glad you asked?

Oh, and yesterday was my birthday (26), so they're celebrating today.

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