Section 15: Europe

The following information on Europe is provided by Matthias Pfuetzner (

15.01) "Anybody know any phone numbers for European snow conditions?"

The ADAC (Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil Club) offers snow numbers on different parts of the Alps:

         Germany     +49 89 7676-2556
         Austria     +49 89 7676-2557
         Italy       +49 89 7676-2558
         Swiss       +49 89 7676-2559
         France      +49 89 7676-2560
Also on Television there are snowcondition reports on VideoText in Germany from November till April in ARD and ZDF, table 169.

Then there is a personal weather advise phone number where you can get information on weathercondition, weatherforecast and danger of avalanches for every part of the Alps:

+43 512 891600 (Mid Feb till mid May)

Each country itself provides some numbers on snowconditions:

         Austria       +43 1 1583 (for Wien, Steiermark,
                       +43 1 1584 (for Salzburger Land,
                                   Oberoesterreich, Kaernten)
                       +43 1 1585 (for Tirol, Vorarlberg)
         Swiss         +41 1 120
                       +41 21 120 (for the french speaking part)
         Italy         +39 471 978577 (Recorded)
                       +39 471 978578 (6 am to 7 pm personally)

15.02) "Any good books on European skiing?"

The information I entered (and the ones I didn't enter) are extracted from:

ADAC SkiAtlas Alpen 1992, ADAC Verlag GmbH Muenchen, Mairs Geographischer Verlag, Ostfildern, ISBN 3-87003-437-8, ISSN 0936-5192

This is a great and marvelous book on most of the ski areas in the Alps. It has over 600 Pages nearly DIN A4 size filled with maps of the areas, phone number, pictures, and comments on the conditions, difficulties, etc. They also have classified and tested the areas. The book is update yearly, contains lists of prices for the lifts, etc. This is the book every one interested in skiing in the Alps should consider to buy. It only has a small disadvantage: It's written completly in german (:-)). But nevertheless for those interested, it's about 60,- DM (40 $).

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