A list of texts often mentioned on the net:
We Learned to Ski Handbook of Skiing Breakthough on Skis Harold Evans Karl Gamm Lito Tadjada-Flores St. Martins Press Knopf Vintage ISBN 0-312-85859-0 ISBN 0-679-72836-8 ISBN 0-394-7470 $12.95 $16.95 $10.95Note that this is one of the more hotly debated topics on this group. The conversation ususally goes: "Lito's book is great!" "Naw, Lito's full of it!". Whatever. Check out the books and decide for yourself. Just remember that no book is ever a substitute for a couple of hours with a good instructor!
Check out section 17 of the FAQ for more book references.
Many areas have ski clubs that offer free instruction. For the same price of a regular discount bus trip you go with a ski club that you can socialize with regularly. You get free instruction and always have someone to ski with. Besides the discount rates, when you take the bus you save yourself from angst that comes with driving home in blowing snowstorms after a long day skiing.