
Date: Tue Jan 24 1995 - 14:03:20 PST

how have you been? thinking of you and how you are taking
the unpredictable weather. does it hamper you in your
working going back and forth. is your place ok no floodings
or inconvenieness?
   when will you be coming back? i would like to know as i
have a tin of cookies that you can use and pick up a
mattress cover which i think that you can make use of.
  your mom is of to congress to testify for public tv.she
is leaving today josh is taking her and your wii go with her

josh and jeremy will be coming over to go out for dinner and
jeremy will stay with me from thursdaytill saturday when
your folks will be back.
     we are having showers everyday i am getting sick of it
but then it is good for we won't be rationing water.
       please answer my questions on the cookies and the air
mattress ok?
  be good and God bless you and keep you in good health and
stay dry... love ngin ngin

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