what's cooking

From: MS ELEANOR W LEE (HHFY29E@prodigy.com)
Date: Thu Feb 23 1995 - 20:54:27 PST

hi there. long time no word from you. you must be working
with with the beautiful weather. in fact i thnnk it must be
  we have had pretty good but the mornings are quite
chilly.in fact to me it is still winter. when i get up i
look out the window and it is so cloudy that it seems as if
the rains is coming down again but no it is just dark and
cloudy.then around ten the sun shnes through and i am off
for my walk. do you know that i can get to read the
chronicle, the alameda star and the world's journal at the
lobby of the alameda bank which iis nice and warm with
comfortable chairs. sometimes there is another fellow that
has found out that the newspapers tha i mentioned are
there. maybe the bank will be taking another look at us
coming into the comfortable area just to read their
paper and may ask us not to come in. but i thnk seeing the 2
of us as in the senior citizens age they should be glad that
are making use of their generosity.so i spend about one to
hours reading all the good and bad news. ha, ha,so i have
cancelled my chronicle papers as it was getting to be too

much and iwas getting free reading at the bank. then when i
finish reading the papers it is about time to come baxk
homeand have my lunch or go to macdonald's or burger king or
rhe coffee shop and eatall by myself. on wednesdy or
thursday's i eat with josh as he takes me shopping at his
convenience.i am lucky that he takes me shopping once a
week or sometimes every other week,i wish that i could
depend on myself but i am not able to carry heavy things.
   we are all going to hk city restaurant on saturday for it
is the end of the chines new year.goo mah is giving the

party as usual three tables.
   we went to jeremy's science exhibition and he was one of
the first place winner. he did spend quite a bit of time
preparing for it.
   they went to the cabinand they had lotrs of fun. when
will you be coming back. i guess not until you have your
vacation.i can't wait to see yyou. have you cut your hair as
kevin did.
    guess i'll stop. may GOD bless you and keep you under
HIS LOVING HANDS.....Goodnight ngin ngin

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