(no subject)

From: MS ELEANOR W LEE (HHFY29E@prodigy.com)
Date: Sun May 07 1995 - 20:08:05 PDT

hithere. i had wanted to send you a messagefor days but
something went wrong with the machine and had to wait till
your dad came over to het it working again. i don't know why
i am having so much trouble sending e mail to anyone. to me
i din't have that much trouble before.
     it is a beautiful day today sunday. i watched severAl
church programs to spend my time away from rrading the
papers. finally i got to the papers and then went over to
your mom's for spaghetti dinner . they took me home and your
dad had to fix the machine again. so i am getting rather

frustrated over this machine.
   will you be coming back for mother's day and it is also
my birthday ..going on to 86 years young.your folks are
having the whole gang over at hk restaurant for the double
    did you ever meet ruth lee from chicago? well maybe not
but she's the daughter of our very dear so called calabash
uncles and aunts in chicago but they are deceased now. she
ruth called me as she is now making her home in san franand
tht she iis getting married to a jewish stock broker and

that she is going to be jewish gal . she is to folow his
religion. she is havinf a jewish weddinf and no chunese
banquet at all but a jewish banquet at some high class
restaurant in san fran.
    i have been doing quite a bit of ground work in the
patio. trying to get rid of all the rubbish in the unwanted
weeds.boy am i not tired.asking jeremy to come and help me
dig out some of the rubbish. he is not too hot about that
chore. hha ha but i guess he will come and help his ngin
ngin. of course i will give him his wages ..what ever it is

 well i wish you were here so that i can get to see some
chinese movies. there quite a few showing in the movie
       you must be busy in what you are doing.
       i will get this to you as there is nothing much else
to gab about.
    just take good care and be careful when you drive
      God bless you in you coming in and your going out and
remember that He loves you and so do i.
                      with love ngin ngin

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