Hi Ngin Ngin!

From: MS ELEANOR W LEE (HHFY29E@prodigy.com)
Date: Thu May 25 1995 - 14:41:22 PDT

finally your dad went back to the old way of getting into
prodigy so i hope that we will be on track ok,
  sorry to hear that you've been under the weather. i guess
whatever it is it has gotten around. i hope that you are
much better after seeing the doctor.you must watch out for
your health. hope that you are getting to eatimg the proper
foods that will give you all the nutrients that you need
foryou are still too young to eat too much junk foods.you
need food to keep you in good health tho you always are on
the slim side but that does not mean you should keep on

living the lifestyle of staying slim to be in good
health.remember to eat a lot of vegetables, fruits and drink
lots of water to keep your system in the best of health.you
must think that i am preaching but i love you and i want to
see you in good health.
   well i am g;ad that you did not try to get home her just
for the 2 occasiond for i think it would have made you more
sick. the party turned out real nice lots to eat and
everyone enjoyed the time. i am glad that i got more plants
and flowers. darrien was in texas adjusting claims for he

is with an insurance company as an adjuster so you go where
they send you. but it was only for a few days.
    everyone in the family is working hard to keep from
being handed a pink slip for one never knows what the days
in the future will turn out to be. all things are in God's
Hands. even at my age i live day by day until such time when
our Heavenly Father marks the time to take me to be with Him
that Road is one in which everyone takes dooner or later.so
we must be ready for That day.
     i have been trying to take my rounds of walking to the

beach to get my legs going. luckily we have had sunny days
where i can get out with a magazine and spend a couple of
hours enjoying the sunshine and fresh air.
  in closing i hope that you aree feeling much better and
back to your good health.
    keep yourself well so that you can do whatever the good
Lord asks you to in His Name . May He bless you and keep in
His Loving Hands
                Love ngin ngin.

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